Terry McGinnis was just an ordinary teenager, until his father was mysteriously killed. Suspecting foul play, Terry meets an older, bitter Bruce Wayne and learns a secret hidden for decades. When Bruce...
In 2020, McFarlane Toys launched its successful DC Multiverse line with ultra-posable action figures and vehicles to bring dozens of iconic DC characters based on the comic books, video games,...
McFarlane: the brand is innovative and keeps customer needs and satisfaction in mind. The range and variety of the products are briiliant. Figure is featured with an unmasked head, and...
McFarlane: the brand is innovative and keeps customer needs and satisfaction in mind. The range and variety of the products are briiliant. Figure is featured with an unmasked head, and...
Name: Set of 4 (Build-A-Figure Batman Futures End) Category: DC Multiverse Series: BAF Joker Bot Type: Action Figure Size: 7 Inch Manufacturer: McFarlane Description: DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure...
Irwin Schwab is deeply delusional, morally ambiguous, and obsessed with Super Heroes. As Ambush Bug, he sought to join their rarefied society in a body-suit that he claims fell to...
Debuting in the mid-1960s, Animal Man was born after an alien visitation. After a stint as a member of the Forgotten Heroes, Buddy became a founding member of Justice League...
As the planet Krypton was destroyed, scientist Jor-El secured his infant son, Kal-El, in a rocket that would transport the child to Earth. There, as Clark Kent, he discovered the...
Half-human and half-Atlantean, Arthur Curry™ is Aquaman, the King of Atlantis and defender of Earth’s vast oceans. As a founding member of the Justice League™, he also protects the surface...
Incredibly detailed 7” scale figure based on the Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom movie Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and...
Half-human and half-Atlantean, Arthur Curry™ is Aquaman, the King of Atlantis and defender of Earth’s vast oceans. As a founding member of the Justice League™, he also protects the surface...
Half-human and half-Atlantean, Arthur Curry™ is Aquaman, the King of Atlantis and defender of Earth’s vast oceans. As a founding member of the Justice League™, he also protects the surface...
Considered one of Aquaman’s™ greatest enemies, Black Manta™ has a singular hatred for the King of Atlantis. For decades, Manta’s true name and motives were shrouded in mystery, hidden behind...
Considered one of Aquaman’s™ greatest enemies, Black Manta™ has a singular hatred for the King of Atlantis. For decades, Manta’s true name and motives were shrouded in mystery, hidden behind...
A huge brute and a true conqueror, Kordax™ dons ceremonial armor and wields a powerful, magical dark energy that could ultimately prove deadly to both sea and surface dwellers. Incredibly...
Rescued by Aquaman·, Storm, a majestic albino Seadragon, is the Super Hero's trusted, loyal companion, bravely riding into battle with the Atlantean King. Incredibly detailed figure based on the Aquaman...
One of many disreputable types who choose to "disappear" from both surface and sea and reside within the underwater ghost town known as the "Sunken Citadel" a dangerous world made...
Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, this highly anticipated sequel introduces a brand-new story that draws together a new all-star...
As a child, Bruce Wayne watched as his parents were brutally killed in Gotham City’s Crime Alley. Traumatized by their deaths, he devoted his life to becoming the world’s greatest...
Incredibly detailed 7” scale figure based off the DC Multiverse Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play Armored Batman is...
Incredibly detailed 7” scale figures based on the DC MULTIVERSE Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play ATOMIC SKULL &...
In 2020, McFarlane Toys launched its successful DC Multiverse line with ultra-posable action figures and vehicles to bring dozens of iconic DC characters based on the comic books, video games,...
Incredibly detailed and highly articulated 7” scale Azrael figure based off the DC Multiverse. As an agent of the sacred Order of St. Dumas, Azrael fights crime in Gotham City...
War veteran, knight of the Order of St. Dumas, and now The Joker’s key recruit in the crusade against Batman— Azrael is the Dark Knight’s most powerful new threat, and...