Indiana Jones embarks on an adventure to find the Lost Ark of the Covenant, facing insurmountable odds and opposed by notorious villains! Kids and collectors alike can imagine the action...
Celebrate 80 years of the Marvel Universe with this Deadpool 6-inch-scale action figure from the Marvel Legends Series. Classic red and blue character design features the smooth-moved assassin character that...
A warrior and defender of Wakanda, T’Challa is the hero of legend, Black Panther. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan collections around...
A warrior of physical and mental strength, Erik Killmonger slashes into battle with unrivaled intensity. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan collections...
A member of the Dora Milaje, Nakia protects the reigning Black Panther with strength and poise. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan...
The mastermind behind some of Wakanda’s most advanced technologies, Shuri designs and distributes Vibranium-powered gear to Wakanda’s greatest warriors and allies. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has...
With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan collections around the world. With Marvel Legends, fan favorite Marvel Comic Universe and Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Marvel fans and collectors can display these 6 inch action figures with movie-inspired design and deco in their Marvel action figure collections! Inspired by Marvel Studios' Deadpool 2, each figure features...
Marvel fans and collectors can display these 6 inch action figures with movie-inspired design and deco in their Marvel action figure collections! Inspired by Marvel Studios' Deadpool 2, each figure features...
6-INCH-SCALE COLLECTIBLE FIGURE: Doctor Strange returns! Fans, collectors, and kids can enjoy this 6-inch-scale Doctor Strange figure, inspired by the character from Marvel Studios’ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of...
Whip-smart with an optimistic personality, Kamala Khan is determined to combat injustice wherever she finds it. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan...
Whip-smart with an optimistic personality, Kamala Khan is determined to combat injustice wherever she finds it. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan...
Whip-smart with an optimistic personality, Kamala Khan is determined to combat injustice wherever she finds it. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan...
Whip-smart with an optimistic personality, Kamala Khan is determined to combat injustice wherever she finds it. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan...
Whip-smart with an optimistic personality, Kamala Khan is determined to combat injustice wherever she finds it. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan...
Whip-smart with an optimistic personality, Kamala Khan is determined to combat injustice wherever she finds it. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan...
Whip-smart with an optimistic personality, Kamala Khan is determined to combat injustice wherever she finds it. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has become a cornerstone of fan...
Namor is a trident-wielding super-being with tremendous strength and the ability to swim at incredible speeds!With the Marvel Legends Series, both kid and adult Marvel fans can start a legendary...
MARVEL COMICS-INSPIRED DESIGN: It’s the King in Black 2-Pack! Fans, collectors, and kids alike can enjoy this 6-inch scale 60th Anniversary Marvel’s Knull and Venom 2-pack inspired by the characters’...
In support of the Superhuman Registration Act, Spider-Man joins forces with Tony Stark and receives a new Stark-Tech Iron Spider costume. With over 80 years of entertainment history, Marvel has...
DOC OCK RETURNS TO MARVEL LEGENDS: Brilliant scientist and perennial foe of Spider-Man, Dr. Otto Octavius must learn to free his mind from his tentacles in order to regain control...
Marvel Legends 6-inch figures bring fan-favorite characters from across the Marvel Entertainment multiverse to fan collections. Highly poseable with MCU-inspired deco, multiple points of articulation, and premium character-inspired accessories, this...
This Spider-Man and Marvel's Spinneret 2-pack brings the crimefighting couple to life with sleek sculpting and deco inspired by the characters' Renew Your Vows costumes! This 6-inch Legends Series figure 2-pack feature extensive articulation, offering dynamic posability with...
MCU-INSPIRED SPIDER-MAN: This Spider-Man action figure is inspired by the character's appearance in Marvel Studios’ Spider-Man: No Way Home. Makes a great addition to any Marvel Legends action figures collection...