A long time ago, the island-world of Gorm was threatened by an enemy willing to eradicate life: the Darkans. The Eternal Knights of Nature, the Gormiti, guided by their powerful...
Lord keryon is the Lord of the fire people and one of the most powerful Gormiti Ever on gorm Island With his flaming powers, he can trigger explosions and unstoppable...
Articulated action figure of 12 cm with either a special attack button or a light-up function They each come with a weapon and a token that is compatible with the...
The Lord of the rock people, Lord titano is an immensely powerful giant warrior. At first glance he may seem bad-tempered but, like all Rock Gormiti, inside he has a...
12 cm action figure and articulated with a token compatible with the armband and attack function - Each figure comes with a character code and codes activate options on the...
Within the animated series, our heralds utilize the Elemental beast to cruise around the Island of gorm to discover and collect the different pieces of helestar. Our hyperbeast in the...