From Super7. Lieutenant Data’s quest to become more human has taken the ultimate turn! This 7” scale Star Trek: The Next Generation ULTIMATES! figure of Data features multiple interchangeable heads...
From Super7. “I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is Futile.” No one would ever mistake Locutus of Borg’s bluntness for the more genial nature of his pre-assimilation identity, Starfleet Captain...
“A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone!” Lieutenant Worf’s fierce loyalty and aptitude for combat make him both an ideal crew-mate and Chief Tactical Officer aboard the...
Only Captain Jean-Luc Picard can wield a phaser or a fencing foil with equal skill while quoting both Shakespeare and Starfleet regulations! This 7" highly articulated Star Trek: The Next...
From Super7. Commander William Riker began his tenure on the U.S.S. Enterprise as a clean-shaven Starfleet officer, but as his leadership skills and facial hair both evolved, he became ready...