In 2063, Earth made its first contact with an alien species, launching the planet and its inhabitants onto an interstellar stage. In the next century, United Earth established a space exploration and defense service called Starfleet and co-founded The United Federation of Planets, a benevolent organization of hundreds of worlds. The chronicles of Starfleet are collectively known as the Star Trek Universe. The most iconic ship in Starfleet, originally under the command of Captain Christopher Pike, the U.S.S. Enterprise was made famous by one of Starfleet’s greatest captains, James T. Kirk. Though its crew has had many adventures, it was the Enterprise’s original five-year mission under Kirk that brought the ship permanent renown.
- HIGHLY DETAILED: 18” replica of the historic U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 from the Original Series, with authentic attention to detail
- AUTHENTIC SOUNDS: Includes original sound effects and command phrases from Captain Kirk and the Classic Star Trek series
- BATTLE LIGHTS: Includes Light-Up Bridge, Impulse Engines and Nacelle Warp Engines
- DISPLAY STAND: Comes with a transparent stand for easy display
- RETRO PACKAGING: Inspired by the Original Star Trek series
Condition: May have some little wear on the package.