From HL Pro. The Mysterious Cities of Gold is a Japanese-French TV animated series co-produced in the 1980s by DIC entertainment and Studio Pierrot. The series follows the adventures of Esteban, a young Spanish boy, and his friends Tao and Zia, searching for the legendary cities of gold. The series' huge success mainly came from its original design, charismatic characters, and the story of an epic journey punctuated by an amazing soundtrack, in large and unknown places leading the young heroes to an ancient and secret technology, illustrated in the anime by certain solar powered "Mecha", such as the great condor flying machine or the Solaris boat. This 6" scale Golden Condor (15" total wingspan ) features articulated wings, neck, head, and tail. Exchangeable feet and a Metaltech base to pose the bird in a flying position are included.
- An HL Pro import
- From the classic anime
- 6" scale figure with 15" total wingspan
- Articulated wings, neck, head, and tail
- Exchangeable feet and base included