As Robin and Supergirl race to retrieve the secrets of the Devil Nezha from ancient China, Batman and Superman get more than they bargained for in the present! To save...
Evil wins as Darkseid’s forces conquer the Earth, succeeding in “killing” Batman, until Superman leads a revolt to stop the tyrant. By the end of the series, it is revealed...
Set inside the heavily fortified walls of a sprawling district in the heart of Gotham City, this highly anticipated sequel introduces a brand-new story that draws together a new all-star...
Tommy Elliot was a childhood friend of Wayne, who also grew up in wealth and privilege. However, Tommy soon became deeply jealous and resented Bruce once his parents were tragically...
When she first met The Joker™, Dr. Harleen Quinzel™ was his psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum™. Instead of treating her patient, she fell in love with him and became his prankster...
As a child, Bruce Wayne watched as his parents were brutally killed in Gotham City’s Crime Alley. Traumatized by their deaths, he devoted his life to becoming the world’s greatest...
"RED HOOD REAL NAME: JASON TODD Jason Todd was the second Robin, and easily the most troubled. Angry and with a desperate need to prove himself, Jason’s impulsive behavior led...
CYBORG REAL NAME: VICTOR STONE The pre-Flashpoint incarnation of Vic Stone was a star football player and an all-around athlete. After he was mortally injured in a laboratory experiment gone...
A crossbow-wielding urban warrior and a core member of the Birds of Prey, the Huntress takes aim against crime in the dark heart of the city. Caught in a struggle...
“In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might beware my power…Green Lantern’s light!” Those are the words of the ancient...
This masterpiece of comics storytelling brings to life a dark world...and an even darker man. Frank Miller completely reinvents the legend of Batman in his saga of a near-future Gotham...
Every hero needs a right-hand man, and Alfred Pennyworth was precisely that for the Dark Knight"" of Gotham City. This iteration of the Batmobile was designed to have a more...
Sorry No Discount code on this item. . "The Joker’s past remains a mystery, but Batman believes his nemesis was once the brilliant leader of the Red Hood Gang —...
PLATINUM EDITION Sorry No Discount code on this item. . "The Joker’s past remains a mystery, but Batman believes his nemesis was once the brilliant leader of the Red Hood...
PLATINUM EDITION Sorry No Discount code on this item. . War veteran Rory Regan was the only survivor of his unit. His buddies died and were sucked into the Suit...
Sorry No Discount code on this item. . War veteran Rory Regan was the only survivor of his unit. His buddies died and were sucked into the Suit of Souls...
Sorry No Discount code on this item. . The Clock King was considered to be a third-tier villain by the authorities, thanks to his lack of superpowers and his weird...
PLATINUM EDITION Sorry No Discount code on this item. . The Clock King was considered to be a third-tier villain by the authorities, thanks to his lack of superpowers and...
PLATINUM EDITION Sorry No Discount code on this item. . Former CIA operative Ben Lockwood joined a super-patriotic, well-funded team of radicals called the "Sons of Liberty"™ on the recommendation...