The debut of Universal’s 1954 film The Creature from the Black Lagoon took audiences deep into the Amazon! This 7” scale Ultimate action figure depicts the mysterious and terrifying Creature...
Following the color version, we’ve created a special black-and-white figure that features the formal tuxedo seen at his Carfax estate. We worked closely with the estate of Bela Lugosi to...
To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Universal Monsters’ acclaimed silver-screen classic, NECA announces an Ultimate action figure of the most famous vampire of them all… Dracula! We worked closely with...
To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Universal's acclaimed silver-screen classic Frankenstein, NECA announces the triumphant debut of Universal Monsters in the Ultimate action figure line! The sculpt captures Boris Karloff's...
Universal Monsters NECA Frankenstein Action Figure [Ultimate Version, Black & White] To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the acclaimed silver-screen classic Frankenstein, NECA announces the triumphant debut of Universal Monsters...
Collect the whole creepy crew of Universal film monsters, all poseable and ready for action!Classic toy and classic horror fans alike will enjoy these loving modern tributes that draw inspiration...
Build even bigger scenes and dioramas with this accessory set for NECA's Universal Monsters: The Mummy action figure! The star of the set is the elaborate sarcophagus, which measures over 9" inches...
For the 90th anniversary of the extraordinary silver-screen classic, NECA presents The Mummy action figure in authentic black-and-white! In this Universal Monsters classic of horror, Boris Karloff shines as the ancient Mummy in a...
For the 70th anniversary of Universal's horror film classic, NECA is excited to reveal The Wolf Man in Ultimate action figure form! Starring Lon Chaney Jr., 1941's The Wolf Man...
From NECA. For the 80th anniversary of Universal's horror film classic, NECA is excited to reveal The Wolf Man in Ultimate action figure form! Starring Lon Chaney Jr., 1941's The...
From the epic sci-fi saga directed by Luc Besson, visionary director of The Fifth Element and Lucy. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets follows a pair of space-and-time-traveling...
From the epic sci-fi saga directed by Luc Besson, visionary director of The Fifth Element and Lucy. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets follows a pair of space-and-time-traveling...
The pioneer of outlaw country still blazes his own path and plays by his own rules! This clothed action figure of American icon Willie Nelson comes with "Trigger" guitar with...
Before she was Wonder Woman, she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained to be an unconquerable warrior. In the Wonder Woman movie, the world will watch as Diana of Themyscira becomes...