NECA’s collaboration with renowned movie director Guillermo Del Toro brings select characters from Del Toro’s films to life in premium action figure format with deluxe added elements. From the acclaimed...
Based on the film Sin City directed by Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez, Sin City Series 1 features Basin City's residents in 7-inch scale. Highly detailed and movie accurate, these...
From the Manufacturer Street Fighter 4 "Guile" in Charlie Costume - San Diego ComicCon Exlcusive Guile in Charlie Costume 31 points of articulation Interchangable Hands Based on DLC Costume Pack...
Collector's figure version based on the designs of Kenner from the 90s from the manufacturer neca of white hot t-1000 character from the terminator saga. Measures approximately 18 cm. Based...
Nothing will stop this machine of destruction from the future – not even a lack of clothing. In the 1984 Terminator movie, the T-800 commandeers timeline appropriate clothing from some...
At last, a definitive collector's version of the Terminator in his iconic look from the original 1984 movie! The Ultimate Police Station Assault T-800 features a detailed, bullet-riddled motorcycle jacket...
Annabelle, the haunted conduit for demons to carry out their malevolent acts, is the newest release in the 8" Clothed action figure line.This possessed doll is fully poseable, donning a...
NECA expands it's horror collection with the second Ultimate figure in The Conjuring Universe line! The possessed doll Annabelle appears throughout The Conjuring Universe films and in her own spin-off...
From the Manufacturer Mockingjay with flames beanie is 100% acrylic. It is black with the burning Mockingjay printed on its front. From Lionsgate Film Based on the Best Seller Book...
From the Manufacturer From the Hunger Games movies and NECA come the Highly Detailed "Katniss" 7 Inch Action Figure. Figures are Sculpted in the Movie likeness , and paited in...
Consume! Obey! A truly underrated movie of the ‘80s, They Live had a fun sci-fi premise hiding a deeper social commentary about the manipulation of the masses via advertising. Horror...
WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD -- Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs. Packaging may exhibit some minor shelfwear, such as bent corners, minor creases, dents, scratches, tears, etc... Released in...
With interchangeable heads, Marcus represents COG in Theron disguise from the Road To Ruin mission with improved elbow articulation and Lancer weapons that can peg into their backs, for those...
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas Collectible / He might look scary, but one bob of the head and he's a bouncing fool A bobble head you'll be happy to...
From the Manufacturer Twilight New Moon Edward: "Destroy Your Soul" Duvet cover Edward. Inspired by New Moon the movie and features characters from the Twilight Saga. It is a great...
From the Manufacturer Twilight New Moon "Socks" Set of 3 Assorted Pairs including:1 Lion Swirl,1 Voluri Swirl, and 1 Wolf Pack Swirl sock set.. Inspired by New Moon the movie...
From V for Vendetta, the acclaimed film directed by the Wachowski brothers, comes this full-size dagger prop replica from the movie V for Vendetta measures 15 1/2-inches long.Limited edition of...
NECA is proud to announce our second clothed action figure tribute to legendary musician "Weird Al" Yankovic! We now begin to celebrate some of his most iconic song parodies, starting...
From the Manufacturer Nightmare Before Christmas "Rooftop Jack" Toothpick Holders is from the mind of Tim Burton. The toothpick holders is from halloween to christmas. This is a great gift...