From Mezco Toys. In Marvel Studios’ Thor: Ragnarok, Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and finds himself in a race against time...
From Mezzo toys. In Marvel Studio's Thor: Ragnar, heal is released from prison following Odin's Death. Planning to rule agar and create an Empire, The goddess of death must first...
With a shadowy past the X-Men member known as Wolverine was a Soldier, mercenary and part of the mysterious weapon x program. The Wolverine one: 12 collective exclusive figure features...
Well blow Me down! Mezco welcomes the ocean's most renowned spinach-loving Sailor, Popeye, into the one: 12 collective. The one: 12 collective Popeye figure includes two masterfully crafted head portraits:...
Ultraman is outfitted in a combat suit powered by his Ultraman Factor, and features a light-up Color Timer on his chest. He comes with two light-up head portraits including a...
The perfect organism, Alien joins the One:12 Collective! The One:12 Collective Alien features an all-new seamless body designed with an internal skeleton armature that is durable yet highly posable. The...
Cynic, con man, and sorcerer, John Constantine joins the One:12 Collective! The One:12 Collective Constantine is dressed in his signature untidy button-down work shirt with a loosened necktie, slacks, Chelsea...
From Mezco toys. "When there's no more room in Hell, the dead walk the earth." the one: 12 collective Dawn of the Dead boxed set includes two of the most...
The One:12 Collective Michael Myers figure wears weathered coveralls with six bullet holes after his doctor, Sam Loomis, fails to stop him. Michael comes complete with three head portraits, including...
Bishop, The Last X-Man, joins the One:12 Collective!The One:12 Collective Bishop is prepped and ready for battle, outfitted in an X-Men issued suit with fortified chest armor, multiple holsters to...
The Ghost Rider joins the One:12 Collective along with his Hell Cycle, featuring a light-up function, removable flames, and sound feature! The One:12 Collective Ghost Rider is outfitted in motorcycle...
Mr. Freeze emerges from his frigid laboratory to join the One:12 Collective. Outfitted in an armored cryo-suit, this complex technology is not only keeping him alive, but also augmenting his...
The One:12 Collective Predator is outfitted in battle armor with thermal netting and a fortified chest plate, allowing for greater mobility while hunting. The ruthless hunter comes with 2 removable...
The Silent Hill 2: Red Pyramid Thing One:12 Collective Action Figure is outfitted in a weathered smock as seen in Silent Hill 2, and two interchangeable helmets. Silent Hill's executioner...
“There is a superhero in all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape.” Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive… The Man of...
Who will survive and what will be left of them? In ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’, a group must do everything they can to escape a murderous group of outcasts including...
Mezco Description: Rising from the grave, The Crow joins the One:12 Collective! The One:12 Collective The Crow features four head portraits with various expressions including surprised, teeth-gritting, smirking, and standard...
Lock the doors…lock the windows…and don’t pick up the phone…Ghost Face slashes his way into your collection! The mysterious killer known as Ghost Face targets his teenage victims by using...
Mezco introduces a spine-tingling doll from the Warner Brothers film The Nun.Standing at approximately 18 inches tall, The Nun doll might just be as scary as the film. Her bright,...